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angel garcia



I am a web developer with a Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering. My passion for web development began in my teenage years, and now I have over 10 years of experience with both professional and personal projects. This journey has taken me to work in four different countries, in-person and remote settings. In addition to development, I enjoy teaching and have been an instructor at various programming bootcamps. Fluent in English and Spanish.

  1. Amazon Web Services (AWS) logo

    Amazon Web Services (AWS)

    4y, 6m Feb 2020 - Today
    1. Senior Front-End Engineer @ AWS IoT

      Roles in AWS are full-stack (FrontEnd, BackEnd, QA, and DevOps responsibilities.)

      1. Designed architecture to distribute console ownership across multiple teams.
      2. Reviewed design documents at an organizational level.
      3. Mentored several engineers, leading to their successful promotions.
      4. Provided global on-call support.
      5. Utilized technical stack including React and various AWS cloud services (CDK, Cloudformation, S3, Lambda, Cloudfront, Cloudwatch...).
    2. Front-End Engineer II @ AWS IoT

      1. Led a project to overhaul the IoT console UI using the Cloudscape Design System.
      2. Directed a multi-team project that migrated IoT console infrastructure to a native AWS solution, cutting load times by 60%.
      3. Handled global on-call support duties.
      4. Employed a technical stack featuring React and AWS cloud services (CDK, Cloudformation, S3, Lambda, Cloudfront, Cloudwatch...).
    3. Front-End Engineer II @ Internal Load Balancing

      1. Optimized application latency issues, improving data display efficiency by up to 500%.
      2. Supported load balancing needs with a significant on-call load.
      3. Operated with a technical stack including AngularJS, Perl, DynamoDB.
  2. EPAM Systems logo

    EPAM Systems

    4m Sep 2019 - Dec 2019
    1. Front-End Engineer

      1. Assisted an investment firm in enhancing their financial analysis system.
      2. Worked with a tech stack that included Angular and React, in an on-premise setup.
  3. Kamstrup logo


    1y, 10m Sep 2017 - Jun 2019
    1. Lead Front-End Engineer

      1. Developed analytics and monitoring tools for smart metering devices.
      2. Led front-end development efforts and managed a team of three engineers.
      3. Utilized a tech stack comprising React, Redux, Azure, Jenkins.
  4. Procter & Gamble logo

    Procter & Gamble

    1y, 1m Jul 2016 - Jul 2017
    1. Full-Stack Engineer

      1. Developed an intranet site for tracking product batches, encompassing both software and hardware management, including server setups and printer integration.
      2. Managed tech stack elements such as Angular, CSS, .NET, MySQL, and Microsoft Active Directory.
  5. Avanade logo


    3m Apr 2015 - Jun 2015
    1. Full-Stack Developer

      1. Developed features for a client’s desktop and web tools.
      2. Implemented solutions using a tech stack that included Razor, .NET, HTML, jQuery, and PostgreSQL.